Thursday, May 20, 2010


So now, we only have like six days left, and I'm crazy excited for school to be over. It seems like it just started last week, this year just flew by. I remember at the beginning of the school year I couldnt wait for it to be over, and now it finally is. We have exams next week, and I'm not too excited about that, but that just means that it is really the end, so it's okay. atleast next year I'm just a grade level closer to graduating, college, and moving on in my life. I hate how all adults tell you to enjoy school, because it's the best time of your life, but when you're our age you really dont think about it that way. I guess you have to wait until it's over to fully understand.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mayors Daughter Smashed By A Hammer.

The Mayor's daughter Jamie Belty, 23, of Cincinnati, Ohio was almost killed by her boyfriend, Joshua Berkheimer, with a claw hammer. When police arrived they told the suspect (Jamie's boyfriend) to drop the hammer. Instead, he hit Jamie one more time. Police fired one shot killing Joshua. The injuries were nearly fatal, as Jamie's skull is fractured in three places, along with her jaw on both sides, and her nose and cheek bones were also crushed. But although Jamie and her ex-husband Alex were seperated and couldn't seem to get along, Alex was at her bedside since he was notified of her being in the hospital, and he still sits with her all day, never wanting to leave her side. Do you think that Jamie and Alex will continue seeing each other after she is healed and can go back into her daily routines?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Killing of a 2-year-old.

The little girls name was Reina Patterson, and she was killed at the age of 2 this past summer. Reina, her step mother Tammi, step brother Dakota, step sisters Amber and Taylor, and her father, Jarrod Patterson resided in Warsaw, Ohio. The man convicted of 2-year-old Reina's murder was Aaron Holdsworth, 28. Medical personnel told a detective with the Coshocton County Sheriff's Office that Reina had been strangled and received blunt-force trauma to the skull. Holdsworth was her regular baby sitter while her mother, Anita Deeds, was at work, This is because he was her live-in boyfriend. Reina was rushed to the Coshocton Hospital on June 2, 2009, and then transferred to Akron's Childrens Hospital for surgery on June 3rd, and the surgery was unsuccessful. Reina died in the hospital on June 3rd, 2009. The sentence was a minumum of 15 years up to life in prison. Do you think he should have gotten a different sentence? If so, what would you have made his sentence?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sanda Bullocks Unfaithful Husband?

I just recently heard about the latest news with Sandra Bullock. Her husband of five years, Jesse James, cheated on her with a tattoo model. It is said that this affair has been going on for the last 11 months! It started when Sandra went to Atlanta to start filming her award-winning movie The Blind Side. The tattoo model, referred to as "Michelle McGee", has tattoos all over her body, including her forehead! I don't know how guys can be into that, I think I speak for most girls when I say that's absolutely weird and disturbing. What do you think about this affair? Do you believe it? If you would like to know more and see a picture of McGee, click here.

Friday, March 5, 2010


It seems that every single one of my blogs that I could choose to write something about, ends up to be about snow. So I'll change it up a little bit, I'm not going to talk about snow. I'm so happy it's getting warmer. The only negative is that the snow is melting and its making everything muddy. I'm hoping that the ground will dry up and soon enough, hopefully, we can be wearing shorts outside without being considered a total idiot.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hackers Pretend To Be Elvis In An Airport...

Two hackers, Laurie and Van Beek, went to Amsterdam's Schipol airport in September 2008, and fooled the passport scanning machine. They had a biometric chip that they put in information about Elvis Presley, and it accepted. They even stated that they said the destination was a country that didn't even exist. Meaning that the scanning machine didn't even check the countries signatures. Now because this has happened, they have frequent eye scans, and fingerprints taken to ensure that you are who you say you are. Laurie Beek said "The problem, in part, is that each country has its own security signature for verifying its own biometric passports. While some share that information, many countries do not, making it easy to exploit the loopholes." I believe that she is right, we need to be more careful and ensure that no one that isn't an American citizen or something like that shouldn't be in airplanes, we found that out the hard way on 9/11. What precautions do you think that we should take to make America safer?
If you want more information on this subject, click here.

Friday, February 19, 2010

More Snow...

It snowed and we had another two day week, and there's more to come! I really think this snow needs to stop, although we are supposed to be getting a HUGE snow storm on Sunday. The rumor is it could be up to 40 inches. I doubt it will be that much, but I'm guessing it'll be a LOT of snow still. So we're probably looking at another two day week if that. Why can't it just stop snowing.. Winters are getting worse and we only have three calamity days next year how do they expect us to pull that off if we can't even deal with five?!