Thursday, May 20, 2010


So now, we only have like six days left, and I'm crazy excited for school to be over. It seems like it just started last week, this year just flew by. I remember at the beginning of the school year I couldnt wait for it to be over, and now it finally is. We have exams next week, and I'm not too excited about that, but that just means that it is really the end, so it's okay. atleast next year I'm just a grade level closer to graduating, college, and moving on in my life. I hate how all adults tell you to enjoy school, because it's the best time of your life, but when you're our age you really dont think about it that way. I guess you have to wait until it's over to fully understand.


  1. Eh. I guess yoi can look at it that why. I'd rather graduate then just get a job out of town but I guess furthering your education to get a job you like is better for ya.

  2. I agree adults always say you'll have the best time of your life there enjoy it cherish it take it slow! No wayyy! I cant wait to get out of this town!I cant wait to go to college and move away and get more freedom!

  3. I agree. Everyone say highschool is so fun and all this stuff and when you get to it your just like, well where the greatness at. It had its ups but im just ready to leave really soon!

  4. Yeah, I like highschool but after being in it for this long, uhh it's time for summer!
