Friday, February 19, 2010

More Snow...

It snowed and we had another two day week, and there's more to come! I really think this snow needs to stop, although we are supposed to be getting a HUGE snow storm on Sunday. The rumor is it could be up to 40 inches. I doubt it will be that much, but I'm guessing it'll be a LOT of snow still. So we're probably looking at another two day week if that. Why can't it just stop snowing.. Winters are getting worse and we only have three calamity days next year how do they expect us to pull that off if we can't even deal with five?!


  1. They think we need more school then we already have. I think only three snow days is dumb. then after that its only going to be two. Soon we wont have any snow days.

  2. Yeah I've heard about the 3 snow days... I don't think it's gonna work. we'll being going to school in July.

  3. I heard we're supposed to get 40 inches too! Hopefully it doesn't really happen, that would be horrible.

  4. I'm pretty sure I will NEVER leave my house if we get 40 inches! That is insane! Next year is going to be horrible with only 3 snow days!
