Friday, February 12, 2010

2 Day Week!

Well this week was alright I guess, but it never fails.. Ridgewood and River View are cancelled and Coshocton still has school. We only have one snow day left, I'm not sure if we should save it or not.. I can't believe that they are cutting us down to 3 snow days next year. Soon enough, we're going to be having school on Sunday! I mean really, education is important I agree but that's just ridiculous. We need to enjoy our childhood while we have it, and it's hard when school consumes so much of our life and is soon to consume even more. If we don't take the days off that count, someone could seriously get hurt. A girl at Union died because of a car accident on her way to school. The roads were really bad, but apparently not bad enough to cancel school.. Doesn't child safety ring any bells? I'd like to graduate insted of die in a car accident because of coming to school on a bad day.


  1. Amen, I really wish we didn't have school today, cause then we would have had pretty much a weeklong weekend.

    And the whole cutting down to 3 Calamity Days a year, that is total crap. WE should be able to at least 5.

  2. Yeah, I heard Ridgewood isn't going back to school till Tuesday! But at least we'll be out of school in the summer while they have to make up days.

  3. Yeah Ridgewood doesn't go back. Next year we probably wont even use those days.

  4. I think we will start going to school 365 days a year in the near future.

  5. Who thought of doing the three days anyway? They need to look at how well our city cleans the streets and realize... were gonna miss more than three days. Especially if we have anything like this next year.

  6. Yeah, I was watching the news and it said that the city doesnt clean down to the asphalt because it's too expensive.
